TequilaCon UPDATE!

***Your Attention Please***

The TequilaCon ’06 official date is in a bit of a holding pattern right now due to unforeseen circumstances. As soon as a new date has been selected, I’ll post it here.

Until then, please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened low and tight across your waist.
[I knew I shouldn’t have had those invitations engraved…]

5 Responses to “TequilaCon UPDATE!”

  1. sandra Says:

    I’m holding my breath until I learn the new date…
    (face turning blue)

  2. Pauly D Says:

    Did you know that TequilaCon spelled backwards is Nocaliuqet?
    And did you know that in Finnish, it means one who drinks without respect for ones’ self?”
    No? Okay.

  3. Jessica Says:

    Jen, is this about not being able to find that rare bottled water I demanded? If so, I’m willing to be flexible and settle for the second best brand.

  4. jenny Says:

    Sandra: Exhale! Exhale! We should have a new date in the next week or so, and I don’t want you holding your breath that long…
    Pauly: Did you know that Pauly D spelled backwards is Dyluap, which sounds kind of like “dial-up” if you say it with a Finnish accent? Are you a shill for AOL? Look, I switched to DSL, and that’s final, Pauly. I’m not going back (unless you agree to come to TequilaCon, in which case I’ll reconsider).
    Jess: The fear of disappointing you has nearly paralyzed me, which made it really difficult to build a snowman with my nephews this xmas.

  5. Neil Says:

    Jeez, has sandra been holding her breath for 4 days now? Shouldn’t someone go check?