
Question: How many ice cream sandwiches can you eat in one weekend before it becomes disgusting?
Answer: Twelve. Mostly because that’s all the box holds. Plus, then you move on to the mango sorbet cups.
Question: When you look at this picture, what do you see?
Is it a) a bunny rabbit?
Or b) Atlas clutching the world?
Answer: I think it’s quite obvious that the answer is b.

24 Responses to “Quiz”

  1. Tracy Lynn Says:

    Ok, Jenny, it’s time to put down the cough syrup. Put it down. DOWN. That’s right. Now just back away from the bottle. There’s a good girl.

  2. Fiorello La Guardia Says:

    Hmmm, I think you need to talk to someone about this rabbit fixation, Jenny….

  3. Hilly Says:

    Can I have some of your cough syrup, LOL???

  4. jenny Says:

    tracy lynn: hsssssss!! grrrrraawwwrrr! [bares teeth and clutches cough syrup bottle]
    fiorello: oh, come on now. just because i can’t let go of a giant papier mache bunny head, and i take random photos of rabbits… you’d hardly call that an obsession. wait… would you?
    hilly: saddest two words i’ve ever read: zero refills. damn doctor screwed me again!

  5. heather anne Says:

    I say we pour the rest of that cough syrup in shot glasses and pass it around.

  6. Laurel Says:

    You need to shop at Sam’s Club or one of those type stores so that you get more than 12 to a box. It’s much more of a challenge…
    I think it’s indeed a picture of Atlas. Wearing your scary bunny head…

  7. Iron Fist Says:

    It’s Atlas, all the way. He can’t hold the world above his head all the time, you know, so no doubt this is him resting a bit on a smoke break.

  8. sizzle Says:

    i think you need another ice cream sandwich. neopolitan or mint chip or?

  9. jenny Says:

    heather anne: who needs tequilacon, when we can have codeinecon?
    laurel: oooh – how many do you think come in a box? 24? 36? 144?!?!? ::faints::
    iron fist: i knew you, asia and i were on the same page. it was really just brandon who insisted it was a bunny. silly rabbit.
    sizzle: actually, i like good old fashioned vanilla. and i hate to admit this… but i just realized that the brand i like is blue bunny. i really AM obsessed with rabbits!!!!

  10. kat Says:

    ice cream sammiches are the best ever.

  11. Cheryl Says:

    This quiz clearly indicates that you’re not quite sane. Mango sorbet is obviously a let-down after real ice cream.

  12. Dustin Says:

    You’ve been doing that Patch Adams squinty thing again, haven’t you. You realize he learned that in a loo-loo bin, right? Just sayin…

  13. shari Says:

    Definitely Atlas — wearing your paper mache’ bunny head. But Jen? I’m worried, just so you know. And if you print this image on the Jenstown paper currency, I won’t use it. I will only use the barter system from then on.

  14. Don Says:

    It’s a hare playing rugby. Come on.

  15. jenny Says:

    kat: nooooo kidding. why don’t people understand that?
    cheryl: or does it confirm my total sanity? i started with the best stuff, and left the crappy healthy sorbet for last, when i would be too hopped up on codeine to notice.
    dustin: c’mon, man. you KNOW you don’t see a rabbit there. why are you so afraid to admit it?
    shari: we only accept wampum in jenstown anyway, so you’re good.
    don: or is it atlas playing rugby against a rabbit?

  16. Dustin Says:

    You trying to tell me this is like a Matrix thing?
    there is no rabbit

  17. teahouseblossom Says:

    To me it looks like a demented bunny rabbit who’s been hitting the steroids, and flexing to show off his 6-pack abs.

  18. Jessica Says:

    Tagged you for a meme, Jen (thank me later) – no harm if you don’t participate….you just have to buy me dinner at “you know where.”

  19. Princess Extraordinaire Says:

    hmmmmmmmm….I distinctly thought I was tripping till you pointed out the atlas..

  20. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Jenny,
    I see a baseball in a baseball glove. With a rabbit head attached.

  21. Dave2 Says:

    I see a hand dipping a taco in some salsa. But that could just be because I’m really hungry for tacos right now…

  22. jenny Says:

    dustin: now you understand.
    thb: most definitely demented!
    jess: oh you know at least one restaurant that will be on my list!
    princess: well, you still might be tripping, but it’s definitely atlas…
    vivian: now who needs to lay off the codeine?
    dave2: wait… so is the bunny head the hand or the taco? or the salsa? now i’m hungry for rabbit tacos…

  23. asia Says:

    I cant believe I missed this post. I had read the part about the ice cream sandwiches and figured it ended there.
    It is totally the man, I cant even see the bunny. What bunny? Although when sober, I do have to admit his legs look a little skinny.

  24. Nancy Says:

    OH!!! I see it! I see it!
    …Or it could be a naked senior with another white haired senior in a headlock…
    They shouldn’t force spongebaths.