“We’re about hope”

Sometimes you just need to watch a heartwarming video like this to remind you of what’s important in life. And to remind you that babies just take and take and take.

8 Responses to ““We’re about hope””

  1. brandon Says:

    Those who believe that they will fail and those that believe that they will succeed are both destined to be correct. Except when they believe that about each other, I guess. Then it’s a tie.

  2. NYCWD Says:

    That little wheelchair put this over the top.
    Way over.

  3. shari Says:

    Oh innernuts… I heart you.

  4. You can call me, 'Sir' Says:

    It’s kind of like that movie Rudy, where the kid has a dream and realizes it despite nobody believing in him, his being a dim-witted backwoods goon and a hobbit, and doing it all while under the steely glare of Touchdown Jesus.
    Actually, it’s nothing like that at all. Forget I said that.

  5. You can call me, 'Sir' Says:

    It’s kind of like that movie Rudy, where the kid has a dream and realizes it despite nobody believing in him, his being a dim-witted backwoods goon and a hobbit, and doing it all while under the steely glare of Touchdown Jesus.
    Actually, it’s nothing like that at all. Forget I said that.

  6. kat Says:

    stupid babies.

  7. Avitable Says:

    Ah, that was genius.

  8. jenny Says:

    brandon: you should write fortunes.
    NYCWD: that’s totally when i lost it, too. did you catch the look that woman gives him when he pushes the wheelchair through the revolving door? priceless.
    shari: they really are the best, aren’t they?
    sir: he really did have the cards stacked against him – have you ever seen a hobbit’s feet? they don’t seem very agile.
    kat: babies are the worst.
    avitable: sheer genius. i bet his dumb daughter couldn’t even talk, either.

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