Home again, home again.

I’m still adjusting to life without delicious fruit tarts and crusty French bread and tiny little coffees, so let me just say for now that the most important word I learned on this trip was “Fotoautomat.”

Much more later!



9 Responses to “Home again, home again.”

  1. Dave2 Says:

    Having an Amelie moment here…

  2. shari Says:

    Oh HOORAY! Also, hurry. :)

  3. Ignominious Bob Says:

    Looking forward to photobooth chronicles involving berets, hairy female armpits, Jerry Lewis, rude waiters, expert lovemaking, and white flags of surrender.

  4. claire Says:

    Welcome back! I’m glad you decided to return even if you did find un Fotoautomat. :)

  5. vahid Says:

    Welcome back! I hope you had a simply wonderful time.

  6. Sarah Says:

    Welcome back! I suddenly have a craving for bread and cheese. And watching Love Me If You Dare. (Which has a french title I’m sure but I don’t know it.)

  7. jenny Says:

    dave: there were many of those during this trip!

    shari: i’m trying! i’m trying!

    ignominious bob: i draw the line at jerry lewis. that’s just too much.

    claire: it was tempting to try to stay, but my money wouldn’t last long in paris.

    vahid: thanks – we did! and remind me to tell you about when we met the french vahid. seriously. you have un doppelganger a paris!

    sarah: love me if you dare? do i know this movie? do i need to rent it?

  8. Ignominious Bob Says:

    sarah: love me if you dare? do i know this movie? do i need to rent it?

    Sequel to Catch Me If You Can?

    (Yes yes, IMDB reveals the truth.)

  9. Sarah Says:

    It’s a really good movie. I’d recommend it, if that means anything.

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