Walking to the train this morning, I saw a discarded pregnancy test on the ground and for a split second, thought about checking the results.
But then I remembered that it was covered in maybe-pregnant lady pee. So I kept walking.

13 Responses to “EPT”

  1. sbukophile Says:

    Oooh, if only you had a camera you could have at least submitted a photo of it to http://www.foundmagazine.com/

  2. Karl Says:

    Smart move.

  3. sizzle Says:

    good thinking. ;)

  4. Rhea Says:

    Sbukophile, my thoughts exactly. But use rubber gloves.

  5. brandon Says:

    you know what would be awesome? decorating a christmas tree with EPTs, but instead of little pluses or minuses, the results box would have little holiday greetings. we could even design them so that in order to get your message “JOY” for example, you would have to pee on it. it would be a major hit, i’m TELLING YOU.
    EPT lanyards for tequilacon08? come ON!

  6. kapgar Says:

    You done right.

  7. Tracy Lynn Says:

    DUDE. Sometimes, the way you think scares me, if only because it totally makes sense to me.

  8. jenny Says:

    sbukophile: actually… i did have a camera with me, but thought it might be creepy to take a picture of a pregnancy test. that’s not mine, i mean. and even then…
    karl & sizzle: i think i made the right choice. :)
    rhea: eewwww. “jenny touched a pee stick!”
    brandon: i think that’s the best idea i’ve ever heard. and i’ll see if dave2 can work some magic with the lanyards for ’08.
    kapgar: thanks – i had to go w/ my gut on that one…
    tracy lynn: if we joined forces, just imagine what we could do! total world domination!

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Jenny,
    On my walk to work this morning, I passed an old, violin case on the curb. I thought about opening it up and imagined finding all different kinds of things. Curiosity killed the cat I remembered. And walked on by.

  10. jenny Says:

    viv: as they say… curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. i cannot believe you didn’t open the case! you walked away from untold treasures, my friend. untold treasures. or a nest of baby rats and cockroaches. but something cool, that’s for sure.

  11. Churlita Says:

    I wondered where I left that. I thought I had it in my pocket, but it must have slipped out. What street was it on?

  12. shari Says:

    I don’t go anywhere near those things anymore. Everytime I do, there’s a new little Eclectic brewing, and I’m really done with that. I mean, if I had so much as looked at it, it would have been positive. I can’t take risks like that.

  13. Fiorello La Guardia Says:

    So…. is she or isn’t she?

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